Thomas House Hotel

Annual Society Getaway: Thomas House Hotel

Location: Red Boiling Springs, TN 520 E Main St, Red Boiling Springs, TN 37150

Background (excerpt from What-When-How) :

In the mid-1800s, people came to believe the mineral waters in a sleepy little hamlet in northern Tennessee had medicinal qualities, and it wasn’t long before word spread around the nation and a thriving industry began to build. By the beginning of the 20th century, Red Boiling Springs had gone from a hole in the road to a thriving town boasting a lake, dance hall, bowling alley, shooting gallery, skating rink, and swimming pool. It was best known, however, for its gracious hotels and bathhouses, where people, including such notables as President Woodrow Wilson, would spend the summer months relaxing and partaking of the healing waters. In the midst of it all stood the Cloyd Hotel, built around 1890 by Henry Cloyd.

The era of summer-long retreats and mineral baths ended after World War II, however, and it wasn’t long before Red Boiling Springs soon settled into a quieter state. As time passed, so did most of the hotels, with only three of the originals remaining. Now owned and operated by the Thomas family, who also live on the premises, the Cloyd has been renamed the Thomas House Hotel. This pleasant establishment has seen its share of emotion and tragedy, including two fires, and this may explain why some of the former employees and guests have remained.

The spirits of the Thomas House include a former cook who lived over the kitchen and who still calls that room home, and a whistling gentleman who is frequently heard in the hallways during the day, as well as a gentleman who has been seen leaning against the front desk by some of the guests.

But the ghost who seems to touch the most hearts is that of a little girl. Thought to be a child brought to the hotel to partake of Red Boiling Springs’ healing waters, she passed away within its walls, and, while many sensitives feel sadness associated with her spirit, others believe she is rather mischievous, choosing to spend her time knocking on doors and running down the hallways of this historic landmark.

Legend Has It (Excerp from Ghost Hunt Weekends): Moving Beds, Dark Figures, Cold Spots, Disembodied Voices and Feelings of Terror are experienced regularly here. Built in 1890, as a resort spa to the elite, it has been witness to 3 fires, deaths, numerous murders, accidents and even a one time home for a cult. The location also sits atop an underground spring and limestone, is on the intersect of two creeks and a crossroad and also sits on the path of an ancient Indian Trail. This location should keep even the most seasoned ghost hunter on their guard.

Team members:Varies

Equipment Used: Old and New CCPS Equipment

Ghost Weather: Varies depending on the time of year.